Saturday, April 3, 2010

Who knew that cleaning a dish could be so complicated? A trip down the grocery store's "dishwashing detergent" aisle reveals shelves stacked high with chemical solutions of every strength, scent, and toxicity. Detergent companies have made tremendous strides in improving their products we can trust our detergents to kill germs and remove all but the tiniest remnants of food stuck to our dishes but without exception, they've come up short on a solution to the most subtle and stubborn stains and discolorations. Even the best cleaning products, whether applied by hand or machine, struggle to maintain our glasses' and silverware's shining appearance.

Most of us know the phenomena by now: that slow, irreversible dulling of our silverware; that clouding that seeps into our glassware, resisting all the detergents and vinegar-based treatments that we throw at it. Most of us are resigned to it, or are resigned to using synthetic treatments as damaging to our skin and to the environment as they are beneficial to our dishware. Effective, non-toxic products that can restore the shine on our long-suffering dishes remain as hard to come by as ever.

That's what makes products like the Grease Bullet such exceptional finds. Inexpensive, non-toxic, and extraordinarily effective, the Grease Bullet restores the luster on dulled silverware and cloudy glassware like no other product can. Combining the Grease Bullet with hot water creates a natural cleaning solution in which enzymes dissolve even the smallest, most persistent, and most deeply-rooted grease stains. The Grease Bullet works with remarkable speed, freeing dishware from its oldest layers of grease and grime almost on contact.

Internet users have been among the first to discover the value of the Grease Bullet. Video testimonials posted on the World Wide Web speak to the astonishing effectiveness of this hugely useful product, and diverse internet sites continue to generate the better part of the product's sales. The Grease Bullet has met with an overwhelmingly enthusiastic reception from people grateful to have seen their dining sets given new life.

Cleaning the dishes will always be a necessary evil: the anti-climax to the food and good company that came before. At least now, thanks to grease-removing products like the Grease Bullet, it's an evil we don't have to fret about nearly as much.

Jeff Marshall is a freelance writer dedicated to providing thorough and accurate information to readers. Additional information about the Grease Bullet is available at


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