Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Charles B asked:

My restaurant requires the servers to either roll one bin of silverware or pay $5.00 at the end of the night. They make so many rules and have it set up so most servers will be forced to pay the $5. They then use this money to pay somebody in the mornings to roll silverware. So they use our money to pay somebody under the table. One of our servers actually did this one morning and she only received $25.00, when about $60 was payed the night before. Is this legal?

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Denise asked:

In general I need to know how to cut silverware. Directiosn for any other silverware crafts would be nice.

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sam asked:

I put my silverware on the left side with the napkin. What side is the right side.

Friday, March 26, 2010
firat c asked:

I use one of those 2 in 1 detergent-shine shield combos in my dishwasher but no matter how clean the dishes I put in the machine I get a few silverware covered in rust like brown spots. There is nothing wrong inside the washer as far as I can see. Any ideas for the cause or cure?
I can't rule out hardwater right away but the water is quite drinkable without any chlorine or lime taste as far as I can tell.
Guy: Yeah right, it would never occur to me that you would take me for a person who would eat with real silvers and then come here to ask questions about rusty dishwashers. I would be even surprized if that stuff is stainless steel!

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Fenrir asked:

Some baby silverware was burned accidentally and paper stuck to it. Are there any ways to fix them? Also are there any places to get old baby silverware?
I forgot to mention the fork (which is in the best condition of the 3) is colored orange or brown like brass.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Philip Augustus asked:

if my every day silverware is looking dingy, is there anything I can do to clean them?
Do I need silverware polish?
can I soak them in anything?
what is washing soda crystals ?
is that baking soda? or some soap?

Monday, March 22, 2010
jchrist81285 asked:

I want to register for silver and my fiancee wants to register for stainless steal silverware. He is worried about having to clean the silver because of tarnish, but I want what goes best with China and looks good. Do companies like Lenox sell stainless steel silverware?

Thursday, March 18, 2010
choirgirl3 asked:

My silverware will usually rust in the dishwasher. I think that is because it is not really silver...I would like a quality set how can I accomplish this with on a tight budget,

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
a4asim asked:

I did some research and found out that coating the silverware in the cream of tartar paste and paste of lemon juice. I was wondering if there is any other way.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
flatfoot asked:

I have alot of silverware that has been stained over the years. I don't want to have to use anystore bought products because I am afraid it may do more harm than good.

Sunday, March 14, 2010
portuguese_tease asked:

i have a 17 month old that wont even try to use a fork/spoon. i show him how to and work with him at every meal. this isnt recent either. i have been doing this since he was about 12 months. ive used toddler spoons and metal spoons. i know that your not suppose to compare kids, but all the kids in my daughters daycare, when she was going, were eating with spoons by this age. he doesnt even show interest? any advice is appreciated.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010
