Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Philip Augustus asked:

if my every day silverware is looking dingy, is there anything I can do to clean them?
Do I need silverware polish?
can I soak them in anything?
what is washing soda crystals ?
is that baking soda? or some soap?


Marilyn said...

soak in vinegar for about 15 min., rinse, let air dry.

Nice Guy said...

Use a basin and line with kitchen tin foil Add a sprinkle of washing soda crystals and enough water to cover your items. This will remove the tarnish from your silverware very quickly. You can actually see the black bubble off.
tried and tested on silver jewellery, and it really works.
tip from Kim and Aggie celebrity house cleaners. (uk) and now USA

Give back my socks said...

If your silverware is stainless steel, you can buy stainless steel cleaner which is used fpr saucepans etc. Works a treat to remove the patina that builds up with use. If your silverware is silver, use a silver polish.

Baking soda and washing soda crystals are not the same thing.

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